Is it painful to get a dental implant?

The dental implant process should not hurt as local anesthesia will be applied during the entire process. But do expect vibration from the drill, a bit of pressure as well as the sensation of being dentally poked.

Once the effects of the anesthesia have disappeared, a feeling of discomfort could highly likely occur. Fortunately, the feeling of soreness is not intense enough to halt you from doing your daily routine.

Woman being shown dental x-ray

Usually, anticipating the pain causes more pain than the actual so-called dental ache. But being properly informed helps stave off the fear and therefore any painful throbbing.

Dental care practitioners are responsible for advising their patients on what to expect before, during, and after the procedure.

Related article: The facts about all-on-four dental implants

Pain during dental implant surgery

During the surgical procedure, the gum is incised and the implant is put in the jawbone via a screw. The implant serves as a replacement for the original tooth’s root. Once the implant is in position, the incised gums are sutured and stitched.

If healthy tissue is used during the process, no pain should be felt during the surgery. Plus, the area of the bone where the implant is located carries no pain-sensitive nerves. However, there are some patients who might still feel anxious despite the absence of pain. In cases such as these, a sedative is given to make them feel relaxed during the procedure.

Doctors performing implant procedure

Pain after the surgery

Some discomfort may be felt after the dental implant procedure. Though this could last for days, any pain is entirely manageable.

Some tenderness may be experienced in the cheeks, chin, and under the eyes. Some gum bruising may also occur, as well as pain at the site of the implant. Minor bleeding may be probable. The dentist could recommend regular painkillers such as ibuprofen.

What you can do when you’re in pain

Using an ice pack is recommended in order to decrease any signs of swelling. Also, soft food items must be eaten within 10 to 14 days after surgery.

After the procedure, rinse your mouth gently using warm water added with a bit of salt. Doing so helps soothe the gum tissues and provide immediate relief.

What if there is still dental implant pain after three months? If the pain still persists months after the dental implant surgery, the cause could be any of the following reasons:

  • Poor blood supply
  • Poor health
  • Infection
  • Autoimmune disease
  • Interaction with other medications
  • Allergic reaction
  • Tissue or nerve damage

In any of these cases, it is best to immediately communicate your concerns with your dentist.

What if there is still dental implant pain after a year?

If pain from dental implant surgery is still present, the reason could be any of the following:

  • Continued smoking
  • Bruxism or teeth grinding
  • Lack of proper oral hygiene
  • Gum tissue lack in the dental implant area
  • Jawbone lack
  • Infection
  • Head or neck radiation

It is highly recommended that a visit to the dentist be made if pain continually persists. The longer the pain lasts, the more serious the dental issue could possibly be.

Possible causes of added dental implant pain

Other causes of pain could be any of the following:

  • Loosening of the healing cap
    This could occur when the tiny screw above the implant loosens up during the healing process. When this happens, the dentist would need to remove and clean the cap as well as refill it.
  • Loosening of the implant
    When there is insufficient bone mass, the possibility of a loose dental implant is likely. When this occurs, the implant needs to be removed and replaced.
  • Implant rejection
    There may be instances where a patient’s bone will not be able to integrate the dental implant causing the body to reject it. When this occurs, the incident is described as a failed implant.


All in all, choosing the proper dentist is essential when you intend to go through a dental implant procedure. Also, follow any post-dental procedure instructions. Doing so could save you from any unnecessary pain. Plus, if the dentist prescribes any medication, make sure you take it as instructed. If the dosage given to you is insufficient, communicate this with your dentist.

Related article: Dental Crowns vs. Dental Implants

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